"A house divided against itself cannot stand"
Common Sense Wisdom
Taking inspiration from scripture,
Abraham Lincoln warned us that "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
America is the strongest country on earth, but only when we stand together.
Common sense tells us your aunt on the other end of the political spectrum is not your enemy.
Our leaders should be representing all of us, not playing exclusively for Team Red or Team Blue.
We need solutions that reflect the wisdom of all Americans.
Resolution is essential:
To avoid collapsing under the weight of our problems, we must not let them keep piling up.
The Purple Pillars
To withstand the temptation of division, we must always show respect to our fellow Americans, especially when we disagree. This includes listening carefully with a goal of understanding.
The bonds that bind us as Americans are damaged when we treat each other unfairly.
We must debate each other with intellectual honesty and never try to mislead or engage in character assassination.
Common Ground
Despite disagreements, we must continue to strive together toward a more perfect Union. That starts with finding common ground to build upon, including shared goals and values.
The Purple Pledge
The Purple Pledge
We the people do hereby pledge:
We will do our part in moving our great country forward in a new spirit of understanding and cooperation.
We will listen carefully and respectfully to our fellow citizens.
We will take the time to patiently examine the facts.
We will seek to find common ground in our goals.
We will debate with civility and intellectual honesty.
We will not seek to win arguments by disparaging the character of those who disagree with us.
We will strive to find stable solutions transcending party, rather than solutions that ignore our neighbor's interests.
We will not forget that division is the path to destruction.
To this we pledge.